1. Michael Jordan "Failure" Commercial
Here's another longer version:
2. Sal Khan interviews Carol Dweck on Growth Mindset
3. John Legend, Musician: "Success through Effort"
4. IBL Instructors discuss the importance of failure
5. Growth Mindset Animation
6. Mike Starbird: Study Skills and Making Mistakes
7. Study Skills: Learning From Mistakes (Jo Boaler)
8. Diana Laufenberg: How to Learn from Mistakes
9. Uri Alon: Why Truly Innovative Science Demands a Leap into the Unknown
10. Astro Teller: The Unexpected Benefit of Celebrating Failure
11. One more suggested by Bret Benesh: Ira Glass
12. Thanks to Jane Cushman for sending me this: Karen Schultz, On Being Wrong
13. The Atlantic: "What Can People Do to Get Better at Learning?"